Vol. 28 No. 1 (2025): (ONLINEFIRST) Learning in new digital contexts

					View Vol. 28 No. 1 (2025): (ONLINEFIRST) Learning in new digital contexts

Coords: Editorial Team - RIED

Research is advancing at an accelerated pace, and its results can sometimes become obsolete before the official dissemination of the findings. RIED aims to contribute to the faster dissemination of quality research outcomes. For this purpose, articles, once they have passed the blind peer-review Scientific Evaluation process, will be published in this section as OnlineFirst versions.

Each paper published in this section can be cited in the format indicated in the document itself. All of them already have their own DOI (Digital Object Identifier), unique and permanent. Once the article is published in its final version, it will be removed from this section, and the DOI will be officially activated.

Published: 2024-09-04

Research and Case Studies