Macroevaluación de la competencia digital docente. Estudio DigCompEdu en España y Portugal



Palabras clave:

competencia digital, formación de docentes, DigCompEdu, educación obligatoria, España, Portugal


La competencia digital docente es esencial debido al creciente papel de la tecnología en las aulas. Este estudio evalúa la competencia digital docente en el contexto de la Península Ibérica, abarcando a 170,603 docentes en activo de enseñanza obligatoria en España (Andalucía) y Portugal. Su objetivo principal es analizar las diferencias en la competencia digital docente entre estos dos países y explorar los factores que influyen en su desarrollo. La metodología del estudio se basa en una muestra de docentes que completan el cuestionario validado DigCompEdu Check-In. Se emplearon técnicas estadísticas descriptivas, de contraste e inferenciales. Los resultados indican que los docentes portugueses muestran un nivel ligeramente superior de competencia digital en comparación con sus homólogos españoles en todas las dimensiones evaluadas. La dimensión "Desarrollo de la Competencia Digital de los Estudiantes" obtuvo la puntuación más baja en ambos países, señalando la necesidad de mejorar la habilidad de los docentes para fomentar las competencias digitales del alumnado en seguridad digital, alfabetización crítica o resolución de problemas. Además, los resultados muestran que el género, la edad, el nivel educativo y la experiencia docente son factores importantes a la hora de explicar la competencia digital de los docentes. Por ello, se subraya la importancia de implementar programas de formación personalizados. Además, se enfatiza la importancia de fomentar la colaboración entre docentes, promoviendo oportunidades para el intercambio de prácticas exitosas. Esta colaboración no solo ayuda a cerrar la brecha digital, sino que también impulsa una educación actualizada y relevante en la era digital.


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Biografía del autor/a

Antonio Palacios-Rodríguez, Universidad de Sevilla, US (España)

PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Seville. He has also completed the Master's Degree in Management, Evaluation and Quality of Training Institutions and Degree in Primary Education. He is a member of the Didactic Research Group (GID-HUM 390): Technological and Qualitative Analysis. He currently works in the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Seville as Assistant Professor. His teaching and research experience is related to Educational Technology and teacher training.

Carmen Llorente-Cejudo, Universidad de Sevilla, US (España)

Doctor in Educational Sciences, and University Professor of the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, of the University of Seville. Director of the Department of Didactics and School Organization and Member of the Didactic Research Group: Technological and Qualitative Analysis of Teaching-Learning Processes, of the University of Seville. He has participated in different research on the competencies and skills of students in ICT, as well as on the Training of university teachers in methodological strategies for the incorporation of online learning in the European Higher Education Area, or Augmented Reality for university training. , among others.

Margarida Lucas, Universidade de Aveiro, UA (Portugal)

I am a Researcher at the Research Centre Didactics and Technology in Teacher Education (CIDTFF) at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Prior to my involvement with academia, I was a teacher across various levels of education. My research interests mainly focus on the interplay between digital technologies, teaching and learning, digital competence, professional development, assessment and development cooperation.

Pedro Bem-haja, Universidade de Aveiro, UA (Portugal)

Pedro Bem-Haja is an integrated member of the AgeingC research group at CINTESIS.

He earned his doctorate in Psychology from the University of Aveiro (UA) in 2018, with the thesis “Psychophysiology of Eyewitness testimony”. Previously, in 2011, he had finished his master degree in Forensic Psychology at the University of Aveiro.

He is a guest assistant professor of the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro and a member of the research teams of several projects, namely the project “DORIAN – Do you recognize me?” Financed by FCT, “Psychosocial Risks in Portuguese Doctors” financed by the Portuguese Order of Doctors; and the project Psychosocial Risks in Portuguese Surgeons, funded by the Portuguese Society of Surgery. He works as court expert, having already performed more than 800 expert valuations, especially in the field of Forensic Psychology.


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Cómo citar

Palacios-Rodríguez, A., Llorente-Cejudo, C., Lucas, M., & Bem-haja, P. (2024). Macroevaluación de la competencia digital docente. Estudio DigCompEdu en España y Portugal. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 28(1), 177–196.



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