Profesional performance of secondary school counsellors in Salamanca. Development of an evaluation and self-evaluation instrument


  • Francisco Royo Mas Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Universidad de Salamanca



educational psychology, educational guidance, vocational counselling, secondary school, teaching, learning, tutorial classes, class teacher, attention to diversity



The work reported in this paper aim to enlighten about the present professional performance of secondary school counsellors. At the same time, it has been created an evaluation and self-evaluation instrument of counsellors tasks. Answers to personal interviews and to evaluation instruments from Secondary School Salamanca educational counsellors has been analysed. Results suggest that two principal factors are influencing in performance, in one hand the support of management team and in the other hand the counsellor and teachers team model of working. In the end we present two appendix, a model of future research lines about these subjects and some personal and professional worries of counsellors.


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How to Cite

Royo Mas, F. (2014). Profesional performance of secondary school counsellors in Salamanca. Development of an evaluation and self-evaluation instrument. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 13(1), 31–50.



Research studies