The evaluation of “Families and Schools Structural Violence Prevention Program"


  • Ana Moral Universidad de Valencia
  • María de los Desamparados Pérez Universidad de Valencia



conflict resolution, peer mediation, student mediation, educational assessment, program evaluation



We present an evaluative study about Families and Schools Structural Violence Prevention Program (FSSVPP), a Scholar Mediation experience that it was implemented in some centres of Secondary School into the Community of Valencia in Spain. In this work, it is used complementary techniques in the information getting process, data analysis and results interpretation. The aim of it, is to find out how was implemented the program in order to make decisions that improve its future editions. The most important conclusions show us that: a) the necessity of this sort of programs in the educational and social context; b) the fundamental supporting of all scholar community in the going on in this kind of programs; c) mediation is perceived as an strategy that improves the change and transformation into personal relationships; and d) continuing evaluation is necessary for the improvement of these programs.


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How to Cite

Moral, A., & Pérez, M. de los D. (2014). The evaluation of “Families and Schools Structural Violence Prevention Program". REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 21(1), 25–36.



Research studies