Autonomy, teaching style, satisfaction, thwarting, classroom climate, motivationAbstract
The aim of the study was to analyze the motivational climate mediation
between the interpersonal teaching style and the satisfaction and frustration
of academic competence in higher education students. The study design was
observational, descriptive and cross-sectional, using convenience sampling. 354
higher education students participated (59.6% men) (Mage=21.84; SD=1.98) and the following scales were used: Interpersonal Teaching Style in Higher Education, Motivational Climate in Education, Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs and Thwarting of Basic Psychological Needs. A path analysis was used to verify the predictive relationships of the interpersonal teaching style on competence satisfaction and thwarting of basic psychological needs with the motivational climate mediation. The direct and indirect relationships of the model are presented. The importance of the motivational climate as a mediating effect
between the interpersonal teaching style and the satisfaction and thwarting of
the students’ competence has been demonstrated. The mastery climate was the
more relevant mediator for the positive prediction of competence satisfaction
based on autonomy support.
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