Reactions of the Mexicans universities against the SARS-CoV-2 virus
decision making, Higher education, Plan, Prevention, principles of education, quality of education, UniversityAbstract
The spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus is a worldwide emergency with great repercussions in all educational systems. In this context, the universities have implemented various actions to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the training of their students. The purpose of this research was to identify the mechanisms implemented by 35 Mexican universities for responding to the health emergency. On the basis of the grounded theory method, the official websites of the universities were analyzed and, based on the nature of the data itself, conceptual categories were proposed to characterize the actions, strategies, and programs implemented due to the emergency. As part of the results, 22 conceptual cat- egories were identified and grouped into four areas: i) preparedness measures at an early stage of the emergency, ii) response and support for the implementation of the online educational modality; iii) measures for well-being and personal care and iv) channels of communication aimed at the educational community. Based on the strengths identi- fied in the universities, it is suggested to take advantage of the accumulated experience, especially the successful cases of three public universities, and go beyond the simple pre- scription of guidelines for academic continuity to the broad elaboration of educational plans for the emergency.
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