Sobre ocho esculturas inéditas de Juan Sánchez Barba
Sánchez Barba, Juan de Lobera, Capilla de San Isidro, San Isidro chapel,Abstract
Entre la amplia nómina de artistas hoy día semiolvidados e infravalorados del siglo XVII madrileño, está el escultor de la Villa y Corte Juan Sánchez Barba, que desarrolló su arte durante el segundo tercio del siglo XVII. El infortunio acompaña su obra, ya que la mayoría sucumbió ante los avatares del tiempo y de la historia, parte de ella pasto de las llamas y de la incivil insensatez humana, y otra por hallarse en el limbo del anonimato. Tratamos ahora de engrosar su catálogo, a la luz de nueva documentación inédita, con ocho tallas que adornaron el baldaquino de la Real Capilla de San Isidro de la parroquial de San Andrés en Madrid.
Among the large number of artists, of the 17th century in Madrid, nowadays neglected and undervalued, is the sculptor Juan Sánchez Barba, who developed his art during the second third of the 17th century. The misfortune went with his works, and most succumbed to the changes of time and history; some of them were burned by the wild human folly, or for being in the limbo of anonymity. Now we try to swell his catalogue, by the light of new unpublished documentation, with eight sculptures that adorned the altar of the Royal Chapel of San Isidro of the parish of San Andrés in Madrid.