Is Psychotherapy Integration Possible?


  • Isabel Caro Gabalda Universidad de Valencia



integration in psychotherapy, obstacles for integration, the promise of integration, cognitive model


This paper makes a theoretical reflection on the possibilities of integration in psychotherapy. Therefore; the origins of psychotherapy integration will be revised and the integrative therapist will be framed in relation to two main issues: attitudes and the real possibility of training in psychotherapy integration. This perspective implies to consider difficulties and obstacles for integration and how they could be resolved. Outstanding proponents of the integration trend have assumed that integration should be a process; never a product. This issue will be exemplified in the field of cognitive psychotherapies with some attitudes about them which show an erroneous integrative perspective. Finally; this paper will conclude with a reflection on how to put into practice the promise of integration.


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How to Cite

Caro Gabalda, I. (2017). Is Psychotherapy Integration Possible?. Revista de Psicoterapia, 28(108), 59–74.



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