New perspective in the studies of the History of the Art in the National University of Education Distantly


  • Josefa Mata Torres Universidad de Córdoba



ALF, European Space of Higher Education (ESHE), degree of History of the Art, virtual education


The National University of Education Distantly, has been pioneering on having introduced in his educational programs the Degree of History of the Art. With the educational European unification proposed en 1999 in Bologna, there has been consolidated the European Space of Higher Education (ESHE), with which this one University ALF (He learns, collaborates, Forms) has started the virtual educational platform. Nevertheless, this initiative, she has been loaded with a great polemic, simultaneously that has supposed a great effort and dedication so much on the part of the Educational equipment as the Teachers Tutors of each one of the associate centers.




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Author Biography

Josefa Mata Torres, Universidad de Córdoba

Doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Sevilla y profesora de dicha disciplina en la Universidad de Córdoba. Sus principales líneas de investigación se centran en los periodos renacentista y barroco, siendo el campo de las artes decorativas -rejería y cerámica- su principal especialidad. Entre sus publicaciones más destacadas podemos mencionar Rejería Sevillana en el Siglo XVI (Sevilla: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla, 2001) y El Mudejar Iberoamericano: del Islam al Nuevo Mundo (Barcelona: Lunwerg, 1995).



How to Cite

Mata Torres, J. (2010). New perspective in the studies of the History of the Art in the National University of Education Distantly. Revista de Humanidades, (17), 75–94.


