Decent work in career development: A comparative analysis of Italian and Spanish university students'




decent work, sustainable employability, mixed methods, comparative analysis, university students


Employment and decent work for young people is one of the most urgent challenges in European policies, especially in those countries where youth unemployment rates are higher than the EU average, such as Spain and Italy. The scientific literature has shown how people's conception of work affects their employment trajectory. This study aims, on the one hand, to describe the conception of work and decent work held by Spanish and Italian university students, and on the other hand, to identify the existence of possible differences in their conceptions. For this purpose, a mixed methods design ("QUAL + QUAN") was chosen. The final sample consisted of 128 university students of Psychology and/or Pedagogy between 18 and 30 years of age. The results show that Italian and Spanish students have a reductionist view of the concept of work, mainly related to the economic aspect (salary/money/salary). Along the same lines, it was found that the concept of decent work is identified only with good economic remuneration, well-being and personal growth, and respect for minimum rights. On the other hand, aspects such as security, fairness and reconciliation of work and family life are secondary. The results also show a more optimistic view of Spaniards in relation to the possibility of finding a job and/or decent work in their own region, while Italians show a more mobile profile, considering that it is easier to find a job abroad. In conclusion, the analysis of this study reflects the need for dialogic interventions and reflective thinking about work and decent work with university students. Addressing sustainable employability and decent work in career development processes becomes a valuable tool for the promotion of an optimal and rewarding working life as future workers.


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