Comparative Education and Empires


  • Robert Cowen Department of Education, Practice & Society (EPS) University College London, Institute of Education


Mots-clés :

comparative education, empires, politics of knowledge


There is a very large literature on Empires. There is a large literature on education and empires. However, there is only a small literature within comparative education on empires. Why? Given the numbers of people whose education was affected by Empires, given the stated intentions of those who created empires and imperial education systems, given the harmonies and tensions in most empires between politics and religion which played out in educational systems, and given some of the obvious differences between, say, the British, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Soviet Empires and their discourses and practices in education, the silence is loud. This article will, first, reflect on the ways in which changes in ‘comparative education’ helped to construct that silence. Second, it will trace a more recent change in comparative education which opens up the possibility to re-assess Empires as a core theme of work, not just in the ‘history of education’ but in comparative education. That argument is pursued fully in the third section of the article. The conclusion notes yet another change in the political positioning of comparative education as a university subject and suggests that, despite new obstacles, empires ought to be a topic in our future and not just in our past.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Robert Cowen, Department of Education, Practice & Society (EPS) University College London, Institute of Education

Robert Cowen is Professor Emeritus at the University College London, Institute of Education, where (in what was then called the Institute of Education, University of London) he has been a specialist in comparative education since 1976. He has also had the privilege of residing or working in various academic or consultancy capacities for considerable periods of time in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and the USA, as well as several countries in Europe.  He is an Honorary Member of the Comparative Education Society in Europe and Chair of the Editorial Board of Comparative Education. His latest (2018) publications include ‘Embodied Comparative Education’, Comparative Education, 54(1), 10-25


Mailing address

Professor Robert Cowen

UCL Institute of Education 

20 Bedford Way

London WC1H OAL



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Comment citer

Cowen, R. (2018). Comparative Education and Empires. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (31), 14–34.



MONOGRÁFICO: Imperios y educación