From software to hardware revolution in higher education
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), education, competence, university.Agencies:
Universidad del País Vasco, Proyecto de Investigación_Gobierno VascoAbstract
The revolution in the democratization of software has reached hardware. We face a new scenario that incorporates cheap and easy to access hardware, which enables the design and creation of real objects. Faced with this new reality educational contexts must reflect on their practice and adapt to it by redesigning both their digital and face-to-face learning spaces. In this paper, we review the contributions of eLearning 2.0 to education. We take a tour around the diverse and complex educational opportunities generated by the development of blended learning and the active methodologies combined with emerging technology. This is, we investigate the contributions of the Web 2.0 to education and the situation that educational institutions face from the Web 2.0 revolution to the current hybrid learning contexts and the creation spaces or FabLabs that contribute to the diffusion of the fine line between formal and informal learning. The evolution of technology involves the adaptation of learning processes to innovative methodologies for the development of skills in problem solving. In conclusion, the design of learning contexts based on the horizontality of knowledge transmission and construction to contribute, in this way, to the development of technology itself.
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