Social status of the individuals involved in bullying. Elements which improve coexistence in the classroom


  • Consuelo Sánchez Lacasa Universidad de Murcia
  • Fuensanta Cerezo Ramírez



bully, victim, social status, acceptance, rejection, prevention, school


Social and affective relationships among students determine their emotional and relational adjustment. This study underlines the differences in the sociometric status of a group of students and their relation with the different roles they have to assume in the dynamics of bullying.
We analyzed the level of acceptance / rejection of students involved in bullying, in a sample of 423 pupils in the last years of Primary Education (9 to 12 years old) and point out differences in aggressor and victim roles. The study provides new information on the social features of each role, and underlines the different ways in which peer groups assess each student involved in bullying. In spite of being rejected, bullies are considered strong and somehow popular. This gives them more power over the victims, who are considered cowards and thus disdained, which is, undoubtedly, an important factor in the prevalence of the phenomenon.
From this perspective, we highlight the role of peers in the maintenance of aggressive behaviours. Preventive measures aimed at the whole group / classroom are very necessary, and should be designed to promote interaction opportunities and networking among the group members as protective factors.


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Author Biographies

Consuelo Sánchez Lacasa, Universidad de Murcia

Maestra de Educación Especial. Licenciada en Pedagogía y Doctora en Psicología. Prof. asociada del Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación de la Universidad de Murcia y Maestra de Educación Primaria. Líneas de investigación: La incidencia del bullying en la etapa de Educación Primaria y posibles líneas de intervención desde el aula y el centro.

Fuensanta Cerezo Ramírez

Profesora titular del departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación de la Universidad de Murcia. Líneas de investigación: Estudio y análisis de los factores de riesgo que inciden en el fenómeno bullying. Propuestas de intervención con el profesorado, las familias y con los sujetos implicados como agresores y víctimas.

How to Cite

Sánchez Lacasa, C., & Cerezo Ramírez, F. (2011). Social status of the individuals involved in bullying. Elements which improve coexistence in the classroom. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 22(2), 137–149.



Research studies