The Ttraining Needs and Resources of tutors: preliminary steps in the preparation of an Orientation and Tutoring programme for diversity


  • Raquel De La Fuente Anuncibay Universidad de Burgos



orientation and mentoring, diversity, social guarantee programmes, social skills, self-esteem, motivation



This paper presents the results and conclusions of a quantitative-type study, undertaken in the context of the city and province of Burgos, Spain. Data collection was conducted through questionnaires given to groups of teacher-tutors at public and state-aided educational centres representative of Social Guarantee modules that are taught at Secondary Education Centres. The objective pursued is the analysis of tutor profiles, training, the characteristics of the students they serve, their needs and demands in terms of both training and teaching materials to support the tutorial and orientation roles of teachers working with students on Social Guarantee programmes. The results have concluded that motivation, self-esteem and social skills are the major shortcomings in relation to materials and training needs, which coincide furthermore with the weaknesses that these students present. On the basis of these findings the authors have developed a working guide on attention to and for diversity, opening up a wider range of action which includes the PCPI, published by the Junta of Castile-Leon and distributed to the Departments of Community Orientation.


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How to Cite

De La Fuente Anuncibay, R. (2014). The Ttraining Needs and Resources of tutors: preliminary steps in the preparation of an Orientation and Tutoring programme for diversity. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 21(3), 571–586.



Research studies