Strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of a mediation strategy in secondary school


  • Vicente Carrasco Embuena Universidad de Alicante
  • María José Hernández Amorós Universidad de Alicante
  • Joaquín Ripoll Ferrándiz Universidad de Alicante



educational mediation, collective action, conviviality, dialectical culture



This article results of the study of the implantation an educational mediation service in a Secondary School in Alicante during the academic year 2009/10. Its purpose is to value the efficiency of a collective action, which tries to make effective the educational aims of prevention, development and social intervention. To carry out this research, a qualitative methodology has been used, based on the study of the results of a questionnaire completed by twenty-six students, who have participated in this programme. The results of that tool have been processed through the qualitative programme named AQUAD 6 (Huber, 2006). This programme contributes greatly to this research because it establishes several categories to understand better the main objective of it. Crucial aspects such as participation’s reason, the conflict’s origin, generated feelings, and the offers of improvement are valued. These five aspects prove that mediation systems in school centers are a valuable tool in order to improve the living together environment, feeding a dialectical culture that steps up communication skills and supportive responsibility.


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How to Cite

Carrasco Embuena, V., Hernández Amorós, M. J., & Ripoll Ferrándiz, J. (2014). Strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of a mediation strategy in secondary school. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 23(3), 110–120.



Experiencias de innovación y estudios breves / Innovation experiences and brief studies