A Procedure for Case Conceptualization and Psychotherapeutic Process Planning with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps of the Clients System of Personal Meanings [2C3P-FCM]





Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Personal Construct Psychology, Systems Thinking, case conceptualization, psychotherapy planning


A procedure is presented for case conceptualization and psychotherapeutic process planning using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) of the clients' systems of personal meanings. This tool, integrated with Personal Construct Psychology and Systems Thinking principles, allows modeling the client's dynamic system, identifying its components, analyzing patterns and interactions, and relating it to known systemic archetypes. This enables a deep and idiographic understanding of the situation, glimpsing the underlying structures and mental models that generate dysfunctional dynamics. Its application is demonstrated through a clinical case. The procedure lays the groundwork for designing personalized interventions that promote transformative changes at multiple levels, addressing the complexity of human systems with equally complex and dynamic methods and models.


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How to Cite

Botella García del Cid, L. (2024). A Procedure for Case Conceptualization and Psychotherapeutic Process Planning with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps of the Clients System of Personal Meanings [2C3P-FCM]. Revista de Psicoterapia, 35(128), 99–109. https://doi.org/10.5944/rdp.v35i128.41435