Emotional intelligence and ethical values



Emotions, emotional intelligence, ethics value, psychotherapy, wellbeing, humanistic psychology


They are many the scientific information with which explains nowadays that demonstrate the importance that have the emotions in our life. In the present work is approached the question of how a greater knowledge of the emotional world and the suitable management of our emotions, that is to say, a greater Emotional Intelligence can drive us to behaviors and conducts more ethical. The most of investigations show that the Emotional Intelligence is related with a greater satisfaction with the life in general and more prosocials behaviors. However, it’s imprudent reject the boarding of the ethical dimension in the psychotherapist work with the emotions, because the development of emotional skills also can direct of antisocial and sociopathic form to the manipulation of situations with pernicious ends.


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How to Cite

Lizeretti, N. P., & Gimeno-Bayón Cobos, A. (2014). Emotional intelligence and ethical values. Revista de Psicoterapia, 25(97), 79–104. Retrieved from https://revistas.uned.es/index.php/rdp/article/view/34837

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