Open data, empowerment, digital literacy, teachers, higher education.Agencies:
Estudio apoyado por el Proyecto "Comunicación eficaz, eficiente y responsable para proyectos de investigación competitivos" del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad con referencia, CSO2017-82875-C2-1-RAbstract
The advance of democratic awareness along with the increase inpopulation is provoking the need to offer the society data that our own
governments are legally obliged to provide and that citizens need more
and more. Much of this data is offered in open mode; the so-called open
data (OD), which is current, future, openness, transparency, knowledge,
efficiency, time saving, depth of research, development in education,
precision analysis and therefore in the pathologies and diagnoses of any
area of our life that is of interest to study. However, it is of little or no use to know all about it if we do not know what to do with it or have the capacity to exploit it. In this context, and faced with the scarce initiatives in the educational field, this study is presented with the objective of studying open data within the scope of the Spanish Faculties of Education, aiming to learn whether they can be used in higher education as a teaching resource. The main objective is to know what type of perception university professors have regarding the use and value of open data for the teaching-learning process.
The sample was of 192 teachers, with a maximum margin of error applicable to non-segmented global data with a confidence level of 95.5%, which in the worst case (p = q = 50%) is ±7.2%. A non-experimental research design has been developed, of an exploratory type, using the instrument of the questionnaire for the collection of information. The results demonstrated that use in higher education requires an improvement of educational policy that promotes digital literacy thus promoting educational empowerment.
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