Assessment of Digital Teaching Competence: instruments, results and proposals. Systematic literature review
digital teaching competency, measurement instrument, teacher training, educational research, technology, educational innovationAgencies:
AEI of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER (RTI2018-093303-B-I00), European Union (Ventana Adelante-ICT385-22), Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico (ID Novus N21-207)Abstract
Teaching digital competence is a challenge in the professional field of teachers. It also is an identified problem in the research to which answers can be given. Specifically, the evaluation of CDD is a key element for making decisions regarding teacher training and future lines of research. Taking this challenge as a focus, the objective of this article is to provide an updated overview of the tools used in the processes of evaluation of the digital competence of teachers. For that, an investigation has been done focusing on the type of research design, instruments and analysis used, as well as the results obtained after its application and its implications. The study carried out has been approached from a systematic review of the literature, following the guidelines set out in the PRISMA declaration, with a sample of 66 articles published between 2017 and February 2022 in journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus, in which the CDD was evaluated. The results obtained show medium and low levels of diagnosed CDD and offer evidence of the relevance of CDD evaluation in its improvement. Likewise, these show that the European framework DIGCOMPEDU and the Spanish framework proposed by INTEF are followed by researchers from all over the world. However, it is a common practice for researchers to develop their own instrument to assess DDC, with the self-assessment questionnaire used in most studies, while it is recommended to complement it with other qualitative tools to assess the actual level acquired. The conclusions show that researchers agree on two fundamental aspects: to increase teacher training in digital competence and to progress in research designs that allow us to verify how the CDD level improves through training proposals contextualized in the educational stage or type of teaching.
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