Augmented reality for ESL/EFL and bilingual education: an international comparison
Educational technology, bilingual education, teacher training, augmented realityAgencies:
Data from TWU was part of the IRB approved research study, Pre-service Teacher Reflections on Augmented and Virtual Reality for the Bilingual and ESL Classroom with #IRB-FY-2019-141.Abstract
In recent decades, educational technologies have enabled new opportunities
for teaching and learning on a recurrent basis. In contemporary educational
contexts, which are mainly oriented towards active methodologies and studentcentered approaches, educational technologies have led to a significant
breakthrough in education. Among emergent educational technologies, it is
interesting to specifically highlight the current importance of Augmented Reality
(AR), which allows overlaying of virtual objects (that is, ‘augmented’ elements)
into the real world. This paper, after exploring the potential of AR in education, is
aimed at comparing pre-service English as a Second Language (ESL), English as
a Foreign Language (EFL) and Bilingual Education (BE) teachers’ perceptions,
uses and preferences (n = 53) from two universities (Texas Woman’s University,
USA, and University of Córdoba, Spain) regarding the use of AR, and analyze
whether there are similarities and/or differences based on sociocultural context,
approaches to education or teacher practices. The findings reveal the positive
attitudes towards integrating AR in ESL/EFL and bilingual contexts of the
participants of the two institutions. The most noted advantages of AR are that
it enhances classroom engagement and its focus is different from traditional
teaching methods, increasing student motivation and facilitating their learning
processes. Some reported challenges imposed by AR are that access to mobile
devices is limiting, the cost of technology, technical issues and the necessity
for specialized teacher training. We also found other challenges and numerous
advantages of AR usage in ESL/EFL and bilingual contexts, which are discussed
thoroughly. Finally, current needs in the field are identified and suggestions are
offered for further research in AR for ESL/EFL and BE.
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