An approach to the research nature of the current cuban Technical and Vocational Education
Technical and Vocational Education, shared professional training, research approaches, pedagogical research, mid-level professionalAbstract
In the present article, the theory of the Cultural Historical approach is assumed for it is the approach that rules The Technical and professional Education in Cuba, without disregarding elements of other educational approaches used in the world. The authors reflect on the research in the Technical and professional Education from the analysis of the conditions in which this process currently takes place in Cuba.
In order to determine the challenges that the ETP (Technical and professional Education) has for achieving an approach close to the investigative nature of this education, the authors make a documentary analysis of different texts related to the theory of Professional Pedagogy in general and the Pedagogy of ETP in particular, as well as a historical-logical analysis made to official documents of this education.
In the same way, an in-depth interview was applied to key informants and two group discussions were held.
The results achieved reveal that ETP professors would need a tool that, in addition to using it during their daily pedagogical activity, it could and should be transmitted to students who are trained as future workers, teaching them in this way to research and transform their own reality.
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