Challenges of development work: Instrumentality and constellation of rules as conceptual resources


  • Marianne Teräs University of Stockholm



instrumentality, rules, developmental work research, cultural-historical activity theory, activity-system model


Professional and vocational institutions are facing challenges due to changes in working life: increase of knowledge work, digitalization, globalization and constant need for improvement of practices. The aim of this paper is to explore organizational change efforts in two educational institutions. First case introduces the vocational college, in which focus of development was new training for immigrant students. The second case presents development work done within training of dentists and oral-hygienists. Theoretical and methodological anchoring of both cases was cultural-historical activity theory and developmental work research, which is an approach evolved in the 1980s in Finland. It combines scientific research, practical development work and learning, called expansive learning. In developmental work research projects one of the theoretical tools is an activity-system model. My focus will be on two elements of the activity-system model: instruments or instrumentality and rules or constellation of rules. It seemed that, at least, partial failure of development work in two educational institutions was due to lack of taking into account the systemic whole of activities under development: activity of learning in multicultural context and in context of patient care.



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Author Biography

Marianne Teräs, University of Stockholm

Dr Marianne Teräs works as an Associate Professor at the Department of Education at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. She made her dissertation and PhD at the University of Helsinki, at the Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research (now known as the Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning, CRADLE) in 2007. She has two areas of research interests: professional and vocational education as well as intercultural challenges of VET. She has studied challenges of newcomers and immigrants in VET as well as inter-professional co-operation. Her latest research focused on experts’ learning via simulations in health care.



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How to Cite

Teräs, M. (2017). Challenges of development work: Instrumentality and constellation of rules as conceptual resources. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (29), 148–159.



MONOGRAPHIC SECTION: Vocational Education and Training An International Perspective