Cultural Industry Needs Machines. Alhambra: Heritage, Tourism and Economic Production




Cultural industry, heritage, monument, turism, Alhambra, mass society


In the current context of globalization and post-industrial economy, cultural heritage has developed an important role as a propeller of massive tourism. Heritage has adapted its position to the digital age offering two possibilitiest: a physical visit, on the one hand; and, on the other hand, the generation digital images. Therefore the intention will be to create a logo that draws attention to the product offered to the distant visitor. We live in the era of the digital reproduction of heritage, an era where heritage turned largely immaterial through its repercussion in social networks. Monuments, as real-time information factories, shows an enormous capacity of production and economic exchange. The peculiar, unique and original character of the historical-artistic heritage affirms its role as gourmet product on the tourist market. This research focuses on the analysis of the characteristics of cultural industry and its repercussion in the specific case of the Alhambra, a paradigm of the difficult position of the heritage in the search of the balance between economic benefit and historical, artistic and landscape conservation.


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Author Biography

Luis David Rivero Moreno, Universidad de Granada

Investigador grupo HUM-736. Tradición y Modernidad en la Cultura Artística Contemporánea.

Universidad de Granada.


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How to Cite

Rivero Moreno, L. D. (2018). Cultural Industry Needs Machines. Alhambra: Heritage, Tourism and Economic Production. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, (6), 451–472.

