Evaluation of the needs of staff in special centers of employment in Asturias region


  • Eva María Carrio Universidad de Oviedo




disability, labour integration



This job is an analysis of needs that part of the reality through a descriptive study of the same one. To evaluate the needs of the personnel of formation, management and administration that works in the Special Centers of Employment we leave from the own perceptions of this personnel upon these Centers, upon the work that they perform and upon the problems and difficulties to the ones that are faced al to try to favor the labor insertion of the persons with disabilities. The information collected has been obtained by means of the elaboration and application of questionnaires half-structured and open interviews.


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How to Cite

Carrio, E. M. (2014). Evaluation of the needs of staff in special centers of employment in Asturias region. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 13(1), 115–120. https://doi.org/10.5944/reop.vol.13.num.1.2002.11590



Experiencias de innovación y estudios breves / Innovation experiences and brief studies