The parafictional art of ÜBERMORGEN



ÜBERMORGEN, Parafiction, Parafictional Art, Truthiness, Consensual hallucination


Universidad de Navarra, Grupo de Estética y Arte Contemporáneo


The objective of this article is to analyze the environment that has facilitated the evolution of parafiction as a trend, leading it to occupy a significant position in current contemporary art, in particular that of the 21st century. The text examines how social and political circumstance coupled with burgeoning technological developments on a global scale have had a dramatic impact on our perceptions of truth, creating an atmosphere in which artists such as the Übermorgen duo have flourished. The work of this duo exemplifies how these creators use parafictional practices to examine contemporary post truth and question fake news by employing extreme social media strategies and unconventional means such as consensual hallucination.


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Author Biography

Mei-Hsin Chen, Universidad de Navarra

Philosophy and Letters PH.D (Art History Program). ISSA School of Management Assistants, University of Navarra. Her lines of research focus on the history and theory of art, contemporary art and aesthetics.


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How to Cite

Chen, M.-H. (2021). The parafictional art of ÜBERMORGEN. Revista de Humanidades, (44), 12–31. Retrieved from


