Gender identity and sexist attitudes of students in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Social Education at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


  • Miriam Loudes Morales Santana Profesorado Docente e Investigador
  • María Pilar Etopa Bitata Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Gabriel Díaz Jiménez Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Identity, sexism, gender difference, Teaching profession, higher education


Education professionals constitute a key pillar in achieving effective equality. Policies in this field aim to eradicate gender stereotypes and prejudices within educational contexts. Thus, analyzing the identification with traditional gender stereotypes and the internalization of sexist attitudes among future professionals serves as a starting point to identify potential obstacles to change and take appropriate action. With a cross-sectional and descriptive approach, this research aims to examine gender identity and sexist attitudes in a sample of 136 students enrolled in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Social Education degree programs at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. A questionnaire comprising the Global Gender Identity and Detection of Sexism in Adolescents (DSA) scales was employed. Overall, the results reveal a stereotypical correspondence between gender and felt gender identity. Similar results are found for both hostile and benevolent sexism across genders. However, the analysis of differences between degree programs indicates that, while Early Childhood Education shows higher scores in female gender identity compared to Primary Education, the opposite occurs concerning male gender identity. Social Education exhibits lower scores compared to Primary Education for both hostile and benevolent sexism, and compared to Early Childhood Education only for benevolent sexism. This study underscores the need to incorporate educational measures in higher education to ensure the training of education professionals in matters of equality. Curricula should systematically integrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with promoting equal opportunities, inclusion, and respect in educational environments.


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Author Biography

Miriam Loudes Morales Santana, Profesorado Docente e Investigador

Professor in the area of ​​Evolutionary and Educational Psychology at the University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria. Member of the INTRAPI project (University of La Laguna). Doctor in
Psychopedagogy, Graduate in Psychopedagogy and Diploma in Social Education. Master in
Gender Studies: Women, Culture and Society from the University of Almería. Lines of research
developed in the field of psychopedagogy and psychosocial aspects linked to the gender


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How to Cite

Morales Santana, M. L., Etopa Bitata, M. P., & Díaz Jiménez, G. (2024). Gender identity and sexist attitudes of students in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Social Education at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (45), 167–187.