Supranational Education and Higher Education: Keys for global transformations in complex societies


  • Javier Manuel Valle López Head of Contents, UAM, Spain
  • Francesc Pedró



Supranational Education, Supranational Policies of Education, Globalization, Higher Education, Internationalization in Higher Education




Those of us who coordinated this monograph, and singed this presentation, sought to address some issues we considered relevant regarding the alignment between Supranational Education and Higher Education. We wanted to match some hypothesis we initially had and that we tried to synthesize in the title of this article. We have been able to find evidences related to an increasingly stronger direct impact between the education policy of international organizations – analyzed from the Supranational Education – and the higher education institutions. That impact is increasingly broader from a threefold perspective: from the geographic perspective – with large regions of the planet, in a globalization context, affected by supranational trends -; from an intensity perspective – as the effect is increasingly inevitable by the higher education institutions-; and from a tematic perspective – as it increasingly covers a greater number of topics.

We also confirmed that these impacts have had a broad effect on social change. The assumption of new mercantilist paradigms of the new approaches to quality, the social mission of higher education, or gender issues directly affect citizens’ lives. And they do so from global perspectives. Thus, we verify what we suggested in the title of this modest contribution to the monograph, that the Supranational Education and the Higher Education can be keys to global transformation for the complex societies in which we currently live: as frameworks to understand the changes and as levers to promote them.


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Author Biographies

Javier Manuel Valle López, Head of Contents, UAM, Spain

National Prize for Doctoral Thesis in Comparative Education "Pedro Rosello".

Associate Professor at the UAM, specialist in Supranational Education (especially the European Union).

Director of the Research Group on "Supranational Educational Policies" (GIPES) of the UAM. EURYDICE advisor.TEAM-EUROPE member. Vice President of the SEEC. Director of the Journal of Supranational Policies on Education and Co-Director of the Spanish Journal of Comparative Education.Member of the School Council of the Community of Madrid. Contact information

Francesc Pedró

He is currently Director of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC). Previously, he has led UNESCO's Educational Policy Advisory Service. He also worked at the OECD Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) where he was responsible for projects such as Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and the New Millennium Learners Project. Doctor with a thesis on comparative education at UNED (Madrid). Postdoctoral Studies in Comparative Public Policy (University of London Institute of Education). Professor of Comparative Education Policies (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona). He has been Vice-rector for educational research and innovation at the Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona). Contact information:


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How to Cite

Valle López, J. M., & Pedró, F. (2020). Supranational Education and Higher Education: Keys for global transformations in complex societies. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (37), 10–25.



MONOGRAPH: Supranational Education and Higher Education: proposals, impacts and challenges