Architectural Landscape. A New Interpretation of the Sloping Ceiling of Rekhmire’s Tomb Chapel (TT 100)

Paisaje arquitectónico. Una nueva interpretación del techo ascendente de la tumba de Rekhmire (TT 100)




Landscape archaeology; necropolis; Egypt; Thebes; tomb TT 100


The tomb TT 100, belonging to the vizier Rekhmire, in the Theban necropolis (Luxor, Egypt), one of the best examples of funerary architecture of the Egyptian New Kingdom, has been widely studied since the beginning of the 20th century from the iconographic, historical and archaeological points of view. However, it has an anomalous structural feature for the classic Theban tomb typology of this period: a longitudinal corridor with a sloping ceiling ending in a combination of false stela and niche for a funerary statue. The anomaly, widely noted in classical literature, has been vaguely explained and often forgotten due to the celebrated decorative program that occupies the tomb.
This study aims to offer a reinterpretation of this architectural feature of the tomb based on a landscape archaeology approach. According to this methodology, the ancestral landscape of the necropolis, and the architectural and artistic features of the tomb of his relative and predecessor in the vizierate Useramun are significant elements for the interpretation of this element. The main result is Rekhmire’s clear intention to emulate and replicate Useramun’s double funerary structure, not only from the artistic point of view (already demonstrated in previous studies) but also from the spatial point of view, copying the phenomenological experience of space and landscape in the architectural development of his tomb. An example of how landscape archaeology can be useful in the study of the art of this ancient culture.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Herrera, A. (2023). Architectural Landscape. A New Interpretation of the Sloping Ceiling of Rekhmire’s Tomb Chapel (TT 100): Paisaje arquitectónico. Una nueva interpretación del techo ascendente de la tumba de Rekhmire (TT 100). Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, (11), 291–312.