The use in urban studies of cadastral mapping and management through GIS: application to the town of Getafe (Madrid)


  • David Cocero Matesanz Departamento de Geografía, UNED
  • José Miguel Santos Preciado Departamento de Geografía, UNED
  • María del Carmen Muguruza Cañas Departamento de Geografía, UNED
  • Fernando Santa Cecilia Mateos Departamento de Geografía, UNED
  • María Victoria Azcárate Luxán Departamento de Geografía, UNED
  • María del Pilar Borderías Uribeondo Departamento de Geografía, UNED
  • María Eugenia Prieto Flores Departamento de Geografía, UNED



land registry, GIS, land management, urban dynamics


Proyecto «Análisis de la dinámica urbana actual mediante bases de datos de detalle. Aplicación al diseño de escenarios a escala subregional» (CSO2012-38158-C02-02), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.


Through this work we intend to show the particular characteristics of land registry’s databases in a digital format (both on a spatial and thematic basis) and how to prepare this coded & structured information, in the most convenient way, so as to permit its handling by a System of Geographical Information intended to allow an appropriate land management. In order to show the potential offered by this particular source of geographic information, we have used data referring to the town of Getafe, which is in the south of Madrid’s urban agglomeration, with the purpose of defining a methodology which allows us to identify the main types of basic units in the city.


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How to Cite

Cocero Matesanz, D., Santos Preciado, J. M., Muguruza Cañas, M. del C., Santa Cecilia Mateos, F., Azcárate Luxán, M. V., Borderías Uribeondo, M. del P., & Prieto Flores, M. E. (2015). The use in urban studies of cadastral mapping and management through GIS: application to the town of Getafe (Madrid). Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI. Geografía, (6-7), 47–72.


