Service-learning and digital technologies: a possible relationship?


  • Anna Escofet



service-learning, digital technologies, digital citizenship


The widespread use of digital technologies -together with the extension of social media- has created new communication and meeting spaces that interconnect people and social or political actors. This opens up different spaces and possibilities in a more accessible, immediate, continued, egalitarian and personalized way.  Digital technologies facilitate the access to information and its distribution, a gateway to the public sphere in a more autonomous and simpler way, which does not rely on the intermediation of professional information organizations. They allow interactive communication creating an instrument of direct questioning. Therefore, the revitalization of deliberative practices that are part of the democratic ideal is encouraged. This interaction led by digital technologies facilitates the organization of civic networks together with spaces of citizen mobilization. Such participation has implications for personal and social identity, as it creates citizens of the world and members of a community that is not subjected to time and space. Hence, attitudes and values of different groups are confronted, compelling them to redefine their conceptions in order to arbitrate citizen participation. When combined, digital technologies and service-learning projects allow children and youth to experience authentic solidarity, responsibility and service to others, as well as the satisfaction for the goals achieved. In a nutshell, it facilitates the development of  responsible and conscious citizenship.


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How to Cite

Escofet, A. (2020). Service-learning and digital technologies: a possible relationship?. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 23(1), 169–182.