The psychotherapist faced with the challenge of an increasing diverse and pluralist society
cultural pluralism, pluralism in psychotherapy, psychotherapy of immigrants, cultural-differential psychology, mental imagery in psychotherapyAbstract
Over the past fifty years has ocurred in our country an important growth of socio-cultural diversity. One of its manifestations is also the pluralism of psychotherapeutic methods. Besides verbal way in psychotherapy are also utilized the imagery and psychocorporal techniques. In this work they are exposed ten precautions that must have presents the therapist thal attend immigrated citizens. Its aim is that these patients feel truly understood, without the influence of stereotypes, prejudices or generalizations which do not consider the uniqueness of each person. Also, the techniques used are adapted to their psycho-cultural differentials characteristics. It is also proposed –with a preventive porpose– a method of group encounters in which, apart from the empathic listening with rogerian style, techniques with imagery and fantasy are applied.
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