Supporting Future Teachers: The Importance of Mentoring in Teacher Education



Teacher education, Mentoring, Professional development, Beginning teachers, Biographical narratives


The handbook "Biographical Narratives in the Training of Beginning Teachers" offers a valuable perspective on the professional development of new teachers and the importance of mentoring. Through personal stories, the book provides insight into the experiences, challenges, and triumphs faced by novice educators. In addition, it invites experienced teachers to reflect on the need and importance of supporting new teachers. The book is a collective work that brings together diverse professional voices and is the product of a synergy between academia and professional practice.

Book Review: Martín Cuadrado, A.M.; Campos Barrionuevo, B.; y Pérez Sánchez, L.L. (2023). Relatos biográficos en la formación del profesorado principiante. Una base para la investigación educativa. Cuaderno de experiencias para/en la formación del principiante. Aspectos procedimentales.  Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).



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How to Cite

Marchal López, F. M. (2024). Supporting Future Teachers: The Importance of Mentoring in Teacher Education. Revista de Humanidades, (51), 235–238. Retrieved from