The generic competences in the Initial Teacher Training. A comparative study among students, teachers and graduates of university education degree.
Teacher competences, initial teacher training, university, generic competences, assessment.Abstract
The principal objective of this study is to evaluate the level of development of the Generic Competences in the professors, students and graduates of the university Education degrees, using the Teacher Competence Evaluation (TCE) scale. The sample was formed of 1,243 Students, 491 Graduates and 351 Teachers from 23 Spanish universities. This study was carried out as part of the other R&D research project. The statistical analyses employed in order to achieve the objectives of this study were carried out using the following procedure: we first carried out a Conformational Factorial Analysis (CFA) of the TCE scale in order to compare the factorial structure of the instrument used and we went on to calculate the basic descriptive statistical analyses of the items of which the scale is composed. We subsequently carried out a variance analysis (ANOVA) with the objective of analysing the differences among the groups. The results obtained from the group of students and the groups comprising graduates and teaching staff demonstrate that certain competences from the Instrumental Competences, i.e. competence in a foreign language and technological competency, are perceived to be less developed. We noted that there were significant differences in the three groups as regards the questionnaire as a whole. It concludes with the need to encourage the development of these competences in Initial Teacher Training.
Between the instrumental competences, the domination of a second language and technological ability continue to play a very relevant role as regards to guaranteeing a quality education. This study is useful for curricular reform in the European Higher Education’s study plans.
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