Member State’s autonomy to regulate the acquisition of the full status of Member of the European Parliament




status of Member of the European Parliament, statute of Members of the European Parliament, European electoral process, oath to uphold the Constitution


Elected Members of the European Parliament are required under Spanish Law to oath to uphold the Constitution before the National Electoral Commission within five days from the announcement of the results. It is a suspensory condition of the effectiveness of parliamentary immunity. Its fulfilment differentiates between the elected member of Parliament and the full member of Parliament. This article examines how neither EU Law nor the Court of Justice have defined Member States’ margin of autonomy to regulate the acquisition of the status of Member of the European Parliament. Likewise, the CJEU has commented on fundamental aspects of the procedure —the beginning of the mandate of the Member of the European Parliament, the extension of parliamentary immunity, the announcement of election results by national authorities and the verification of the credentials by the European Parliament— that enables us to delineate the distribution of responsibilities of the election process between national authorities and the European Parliament, from the announcement of the results to the entry into office of the Members of the European Parliament. In the end, the election process of the Members of the European Parliament is still mainly regulated by national provisions (ex art. 8 of the European Electoral Act).


Summary: 1. INTRODUCTION. 2. THE EU LAW ON THE ACQUISITION OF THE STATUS OF MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. 2.1. Framework of EU Law. 2.2. European Electoral Act’s remission to na­tional provisions. 2.3. Special reference to the Spanish two-step procedure of full acquisition of the status of Member of the European Parliament. 3. CASE-LAW OF THE CJEU ON THE ACQUISITION OF THE STA­TUS OF MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. 3.1. The establishment of conditions for the acquisition of Member of the European Parliament. 3.2. Verification of the conditions for the acquisition of Mem­ber of the European Parliament. 3. MAIN FINDINGS.


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How to Cite

Barril Rodríguez-Arana, M. (2023). Member State’s autonomy to regulate the acquisition of the full status of Member of the European Parliament. Revista de Derecho Político, (118), 335–362.

