Comparative Education and (De)Colonial Entanglements: Towards More Sustainable and Equitable Learning Futures




The last several decades have seen a global resurgence of academic engagement with decolonial, postcolonial, anti-colonial, and southern scholarship as a way to confront the persisting modern/colonial legacies in education. This special issue brings together a collection of nine articles to critically interrogate (de)colonial entanglements in comparative education by addressing three questions. Who benefits from and who is punished by the colonial legacies of knowledge production in comparative education? How can the professionals and scholars in the field generate more sustainable and just (trans)local and multilingual research practices that act as epistemic disobedience against coloniality? How might we learn from this uncertain time to construct new comparative genres that extend beyond the Western modern/colonial logic? The articles in this special issue challenge the current preoccupation of many researchers, educators, and policy-makers with global education trends – student achievement tests, competitive education league tables, global ranking exercises, and “best practices”– inviting comparative education researchers to articulate decolonial, antisexist, antiracist, and regenerative alternatives that recognize the interdependence of people, place, and planet, as well as the importance of cultural change. Collectively, this special issue aims at creating a space for welcoming critical and creative scholarship to radically reimagine – and ultimately transform – education for more sustainable and equitable global futures.



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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Gustavo E. Fischman, Universidad de Arizona

Gustavo E. Fischman es profesor de Política Educativa y Educación Comparada y Director de Comunicaciones Académicas en el Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College de Arizona State University. Su investigación explora temas como la ciencia abierta, las comunicaciones académicas, la educación para la ciudadanía global y la sostenibilidad.

Datos de contacto: E-mail:  

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Iveta Silova, Universidad de Arizona

Iveta Silova es profesora y Decana Asociada de Acctiones Globales en el Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College de Arizona State University. Susinvestigaciones exploran las intersecciones de las perspectivas postsocialistas, decoloniales y ecofeministas en la concepción de la educación másallá del horizonte occidental. Su investigación reciente se ha centrado en la sostenibilidad ambiental.

Datos de contacto: E-mail:

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Common Worlds Research Collective. (2020). Learning to become with the world: Education for future survival. Education Research and Foresight Working Paper No. 28. UNESCO.

Fischman, G., Amrein-Beardsley, A., & McBride-Schreiner, S. (2022). Education research is still the hardest science: A proposal for improving its trustworthiness and usability. F1000Research, 11(230), 230.

Liboiron, M. (2021). Pollution is colonialism. Duke University Press.

Martusewicz, R. A. (2018). EcoJustice for teacher education policy and practice: The way of love. Issues in Teacher Education, 27(2), 17–35.

Silova, I. (2021). Facing the Anthropocene: Comparative education as sympoiesis. Comparative Education Review, 65(4), 587-616.

Stengers, I. (2011). Comparison as a matter of concern. Common Knowledge 17, 48–63.




Comment citer

Fischman, G. E. ., & Silova, I. . (2023). Comparative Education and (De)Colonial Entanglements: Towards More Sustainable and Equitable Learning Futures. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (43), 20–28.



MONOGRÁFICO: Postcolonialismo y educación