An epistemic reflection: Comparative Research in Education, Comparative Education or Pedagogy or, Comparative Studies?




Introduction. At the moment of approaching the concept of comparative education in the area of Educational Sciences, we began to observe ambiguities and lack of clarity about the concept and method of this type of research. This led us to an epistemic problem: comparative pedagogy, comparative research in education, comparative studies in education, pedagogy of the foreigner, comparative method, comparative methodology, foreign education and even pedagogical comparativism. Objective and methodology. The objective is to define each of the concepts expressed through a descriptive and comparative analysis of the available literature in order to recognize their possible uses in pedagogical and/or educational research. Results and discussion. The results point out that there is no rigor or clarity in the development of research using the comparative method in the area of education; likewise, Comparative Research in Education could be a prelude to the term Comparative Education or two different concepts. Conclusions. Some of the conclusions are: The best term to use is comparative pedagogy as a definition of a method of its own, which in any case follows the guidelines of G.Z.F. Beredy (1964). The term Comparative Pedagogy should be the most accepted by the scientific community, however, the most widespread term for our contemporary world is Comparative Education, which is found in the UNESCO Thesaurus. Pedagogy of the Foreigner is a term in desuse in Spanish, and only appears as part of the proposals in the historiographical review of the twentieth century.


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Author Biography

Karla Karina Ruiz Mendoza, UABC

investigadora doctoral en el Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educativo de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California en México. Ha participado en proyectos de evaluación e investigación educativa, así como del área de tecnología en dicha universidad. Su interés se centra en la interdisciplina que desenvoquen en el área de eduación, uniendo áreas como historia, literatura, matemáticas, ciencia de datos y usos de la tecnología. Actualmente trabaja en su tesis sobre validez en un examen de ingreso a la universidad. Datos de contacto: :


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How to Cite

Ruiz Mendoza, K. K. (2023). An epistemic reflection: Comparative Research in Education, Comparative Education or Pedagogy or, Comparative Studies?. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (44), 417–436.