Educación Primaria y Secundaria durante el Covid-19. Interrupción de las oportunidades educativas durante la pandemia.




The COVID-19 crisis caused an unheard scholar closure that required a historic resource mobilization in order to ensure the right of education worldwide. All of that in a context in which the role and future of face-to-face teaching was being called into question from different spheres. 

This book encompasses early studies analysing the pandemic impact on educational systems around the world in key aspects such as governance, immediate reactions, available resources, as well as its effect on issues such as learning, inequity and adaptability in each one of them. Also, this work anticipates many subjects in a new wave of research in which scholar closure is stated as a source of relevant information on the educational processes. 

What were the starting conditions on different educational systems from a worldwide perspective? What answers have been appropriate in each context? What sort of conclusions on governance and educational systems organization can we jump into? Will we be able to cope with a future situation ensuring that it doesn’t affect the right of education? These are the main questions that are part of a reflection on the past, present, and future of Primary and Secondary Education that we should answer to interpret again, without fantasies or daydreams, the role of school in our society. 



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Author Biography

Domingo Benito Lucas, Universidad de Salamanca

Teacher of Primary Education in the Junta de Castilla y León. Diploma in Teaching (music education) from the University of Extremadura and Bachelor of Pedagogy and official Master in Public Services and Social Policies from the University of Salamanca.

Doctoral student in Education (USAL).


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How to Cite

Benito Lucas, D. (2022). Educación Primaria y Secundaria durante el Covid-19. Interrupción de las oportunidades educativas durante la pandemia. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (41), 294–299.

