Arthur Byne, Mildred Stapley, José Costa and the Patio of the «Ayamans» House (Palma de Mallorca, Spain): Details of an Artistic Spoliation in the Context of Balearic Touristic Promotion




Arthur Byne; Mildred Stapley; José Costa Ferrer; Mallorca; house; Ayamans; architecture; Renaissance; tourism; spoliation; antiques


Among the vast collection of artistic patrimony that Arthur Byne and Mildred Stapley acquired and exported from Spain to the United States between the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century, was the patio of the house of the Count of Ayamans (Palma de Mallorca, Spain). New data has illustrated this operation which had as its principal objective the intent to satisfy the demands of their main client: the media tycoon, W. R. Hearst. The transaction was carried out thanks to José Costa Ferrer, who was known as «Picarol» in his facet as an illustrator/artist and who also provided Mallorca with the first stable business dedicated to the international commerce of art and antiques. He was the one who put the valuable patio in Arthur Byne’s hands. The study of the correspondence between José Costa and Arthur Byne offers clues not only to the character of this transaction that culminated in the relocation of the beautiful patio to the United States, but also, the close relationship that was woven in those years between the study of art, the antique market and the promotion of tourism and culture. Proof of this was the honours paid to the Bynes for their work.


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Author Biographies

José Miguel Merino de Cáceres, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSA)

Catedrático emérito de Historia de la Arquitectura. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSA)

María José Martínez Ruiz, Universidad de Valladolid

Profesora Titular de Historia del Arte. Universidad de Valladolid


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How to Cite

Merino de Cáceres, J. M., & Martínez Ruiz, M. J. (2022). Arthur Byne, Mildred Stapley, José Costa and the Patio of the «Ayamans» House (Palma de Mallorca, Spain): Details of an Artistic Spoliation in the Context of Balearic Touristic Promotion. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, (10), 121–150.