A Spanish History of Aquatint
Aquatint, Reproduction, Creation, Miciano, Picasso, Goya, Spanish printmakingAbstract
Teodoro Miciano was named Academician of Fine Arts nearing 70 years old. His Entrance speech talks with total naturalness about artistic theory and practice. Young illustrator for magazines and mature printmaker with exceptional knowledge and technical proficiency, his essay takes as the driving force one of the pictorial techniques of engraving, aquatint, tracing a short but ambitious story. Concerned about the future of the graphic arts, presents the problematic reality of the original graphic work and the art of the limited editions. He traces the lines of European engraving, profusely describing the graphic of Goya and recognizing the plastic finds of Picasso in the world of engraving. The clairvoyance of their ideas and their validity in the present is analyzed, with developments in other countries that have not finished producing in Spain.Downloads
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