Putting Value of the Nazis Extermination and Concentration Camps as a Place of Memory





Geography of Memory; Cultural Heritage; Landscape; Dark Tourism; Auschwitz-Birkenau; Mauthausen; Dachau; Sachsenhausen


The Nazis concentration camps were one more piece of a stage of the restrictive German society in rights and freedoms. Convinced of obtaining perfect citizenship, these enclosures were opened to the isolation of the national population contrary to the ideals of the government, which led to a practice of extermination at the international level. The end of the war made it possible to show its horrors to the world and began a long journey towards its enhancement, now converted as representative places of memory with a great territorial impact.


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Author Biography

José Ramón Sánchez Holgado

Doctorado en el programa de Historia, Historia del Arte y Territorio de la UNED. Máster Universitario en Métodos y Técnicas avanzadas de investigación histórica, artística y geográfica de la UNED. Licenciado en Geografía por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Holgado, J. R. (2021). Putting Value of the Nazis Extermination and Concentration Camps as a Place of Memory. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI. Geografía, (14), 135–166. https://doi.org/10.5944/etfvi.14.2021.29251


