Influence of the teamwork competence on the future work skills


  • Marina García-Garnica
  • José Javier Romero-Díaz de la Guardia
  • María del Carmen Olmos-Gómez



Teamwork, Future Work, Laboral Market, Upper Secondary, Vocational Training


Industry 4.0 has brought a series of social changes that have transformed people's lives, forcing people to rethink the skills that will be necessary, in the not-too-distant future, to perform a job as well as exercising active citizenship effectively. There is a growing interest in specifying these skills required in the future, at the same time that a skills revolution is emerging, in which teamwork is considered the most demanded and used generic competence in any sector. In this social and economic background, a research work is proposed that aims to know the relationship of influence between the constructs of teamwork and future work skills, specifically in a context of Upper-Secondary and Vocational Training in Andalusia, Spain. To achieve this objective, the Future Work Skills scale (blinded 1) and the Teamwork for Youth scale (blinded 2) have been used. The sample is made up of a total of 3000 subjects. The data analysis has been carried out using Structural Equation Models (SEM), in order to establish relationships between the constructs of interest, both latent and observed. The analyzes have made it possible to verify that there is an influence of the Teamwork constructs (TW) on the Future Work Skills (FWS) variables, with a not very high influence detected when considering TW as a global construct. When the analysis is carried out by structuring the TW scale in latent variables, the influence relationship is corroborated, obtaining higher regression weights.


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How to Cite

García-Garnica, M., Romero-Díaz de la Guardia, J. J., & Olmos-Gómez, M. del C. (2023). Influence of the teamwork competence on the future work skills. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 34(2), 86–109.



Research studies