Proceso de búsqueda de empleo en población joven desempleada. Un análisis del contexto sociodemográfico


  • María Magdalena Fernández-Valera
  • María Isabel Soler Sánchez
  • Mariano Meseguer de Pedro



Labour market, unemployment, labour policies, youngsters, job search


Over the past two decades, there has been an increase of studies concerned with analysing job search’s antecedents and consequences. Individual differences have prominently appeared in previous research as an essential background for explaining the job search process. In light of that argument, different sociodemographic variables could increase the likelihood of getting a job. As youth employment is undergoing a critical situation, this study focuses on how particular sociodemographic and socio-labour variables could explain the job search process carried out by unemployed youth. The sample consists of 568 Spanish unemployed youngsters between 16 and 29 years of age. Significant differences in means are studied using two types of nonparametric statistical tests. The results show that sex, age, education level, registration in the public employment service, last employment economic sector and job search time influence unemployed youngsters’ job search process. Finally, the results obtained are discussed.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Valera, M. M., Soler Sánchez, M. I., & Meseguer de Pedro, M. (2023). Proceso de búsqueda de empleo en población joven desempleada. Un análisis del contexto sociodemográfico. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 34(1), 102–121.



Research studies