Therapy based on Emotional Intelligence. A systematic work with emotions in Psychotherapy




Psychotherapy, Emotional Intelligence, Psychology Treatment, Emotions


The Therapy based on Emotional Intelligence (TIE; Lizeretti, 2009, 2012) is a therapy whose main objective is the development of emotional information processing skills. It is creative in that the goal of psychotherapy is not the disorder itself, but to acquire a deep emotional knowledge that allows to face the present problem and those that present in the future This model of intervention implies to realize a comprehensive emotional diagnosis complementary to the diagnoses Traditional ones through the exploration of the different dimensions of the personality taking as a structural axis the model of Emotional Intelligence (Salovey and Mayer, 1997). In a randomized clinical trial with anxiety patients has been shown to be significantly more effective than CBT on symptoms, personality traits, therapeutic link, life satisfaction and treatment. Further research is currently under way to validate its effectiveness in other areas of intervention.


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How to Cite

Lizeretti, N. P. (2017). Therapy based on Emotional Intelligence. A systematic work with emotions in Psychotherapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 28(107), 175–190.



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