Social segregation and educational equity in Chile and Argentina
Segregation, Achievement, Equity, Market, Chile, ArgentinaAgencies:
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TécnicasAbstract
The purpose of this article is to compare the levels of social segregation in the educational systems of Chile and Argentina and their relationship with equitable access to schooled knowledge in both countries. Based on this comparison, we will explore if the policies based on a ‘free market’ implemented in Chile generated exceptional levels of social segregation and inequalities in access to school knowledge when compared to Argentina, where education policies have retained the principle of public and free education with no selectivity. Method: The analysis is carried out through the use of percentile gaps based on PISA 2012 data. The levels of segregation are estimated according to the educational level of parents, the percentage of students in schools with higher levels of segregation and the association between the levels of segregation and the performance of the students in the Tests. Result: the study shows complex segregation patterns. In Chile the degrees of segregation are higher, but the proportion of the population in highly segregated schools is low and there is greater equity in the distribution of knowledge. On the other hand, in Argentina there are lower degrees of segregation, but the proportion of the population in highly segregated schools is higher and there is greater heterogeneity in access to knowledge. Discussion: The patterns of segregation found show nuances that do not fully confirm the initial hypothesis, but rather suggest that social segregation would occur with or without market mechanisms, that the latter do not necessarily introduce higher levels of inequity and that the forms and levels of inequality vary according to the aspects or dimensions of the educational system that are considered.
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