Isabel Quintanilla: The Realism of the Daily Life. Hyperrealism?


  • Mª Pilar Garrido Redondo Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia



contemporary art, everyday realism, group of Madrid, tradition, modernity, hyperrealism, feelings


Isabel Quintanilla is one of the most outstanding members of the so called «Madrilenian Realism», a group that includes a number of artists who choose the reality, especially everyday reality, as a core reason of their work. Following that artistic trend which she has supported since the very beginning of her artistic life, without paying any attention to other tendencies or fashions, Isabel Quintanilla´s paintings reveal the artist’s emotion facing the nature of things. Therefore, and though at first sight her work might be considered close to the American hyper realistic painting (due to the perfection of her brush stroke, some aspects on details or similar subjects), in fact the techniques used by the painter as well as the atmosphere, the lyricism covering her paintings keep her firmly away from that tendency, with which she was so wrongly related to. The following analysis is based on unknown conversations of the author of this study with the artist herself, as well as on opinions of other experts on her painting.


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Author Biography

Mª Pilar Garrido Redondo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Alumna de la UNED. Facultad de Gª e Hª, Sección de Hª del Arte

Dirección: C/ General Álvarez de Castro, 18; 3º ext. izda.

Madrid 28010

Tfnos: 194468255; 607707754


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How to Cite

Garrido Redondo, M. P. (2017). Isabel Quintanilla: The Realism of the Daily Life. Hyperrealism?. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, (5), 289–313.

