Scale for self-evaluation of competencies in online teaching: A systematic study of design and validation




evaluation, digital competencies, university teachers, content validity, construct validity, reliability


The Honduran Higher Education System lacks instruments that evaluate various constructs associated with the online teaching modality, which constitute as evaluation models aimed to monitor and assure the quality of higher education in its online teaching modality. Hence, this study was oriented to design an instrument that would gather the required psychometric properties for the valid and reliable measurement of the competencies in online teaching of university professors, during the year 2023. For this purpose, a mixed research approach was used, but with a greater quantitative weight. The sample was non-probabilistic, by convenience and was integrated by 650 university professors from the UNAH, UPNFM and EAP Zamorano. The Scale for self-evaluation of competencies in online teaching (ECODEV) was constructed through a systematic review of the literature under three theoretical factors: pedagogical, technological and course management competences. The findings ratified that the construct under measurement is composed of these factors with a total of 49 items. The factorial model of the ECODEV corresponds to a hierarchical model and it is explained by a total cumulative variance of 0.66, a total Ω of 0.99 and with fit indexes CFI = 0.999, RMSEA = 0.043 and SRMR = 0.045. In conclusion, the ECODEV has a satisfactory psychometric quality and, therefore, provides robust and relevant information about its measurable construct in university teachers in the Honduran context.


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Author Biography

Maynor Noel Reyes-Vásquez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, UNAH (Honduras)

He holds a Master’s Degree in Psychometrics and Educational Evaluation from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras and a Bachelor’s Degree in English Teaching from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. He has complementary studies in Higher Education and Applied Statistics. He works at Centro de Investigación e Innovación Educativas of the UPNFM.


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How to Cite

Reyes-Vásquez, M. N. (2024). Scale for self-evaluation of competencies in online teaching: A systematic study of design and validation. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 28(1).