Proposing a Sustainable EdTech. Beyond Powerpointers and Clickerers Teachers at University
teacher training, new technologies, educational technology, digital skills, higher educationAbstract
The COVID 19 socio-sanitary crisis evidenced a digital gap between higher education teachers and students that needs to develop EdTech skills in university teachers. With the aim of analysing the current development of teacher training in digital skills for education in the 21st century, an extensive and systematic bibliographic review of national and international literature was carried out. It review considered the theorists, frames of reference and training experiences in teaching digital skills. The problem discussed in this article is the actual tendency to train teachers in instrumental and technical aspects of technology such as digital and information literacy, without delving into its more complex use as an instrument of cognitive mediation to learn to think through ICTs and digital media. Based on the analysis carried out, it is concluded that universities need to move towards a sustainable EdTech, oriented towards problem solving through collaborative environments characterized by a critical, ethical, cooperative, participatory and responsible use of technologies. A training proposal is made in EdTeach where the digital is integrated into the pedagogical task and responds to the complexity of the learning that needs to be developed in the students.
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