Premature termination in psychotherapy and patient characteristics: an empirical study




dropout, abandonment, premature termination, psychotherapy, characteristics of the patients


Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata


Considering the premature termination of psychotherapy is essential when talking about efficacy and effectiveness. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the demographic characteristics of the patients and the level of severity at the beginning of their treatment with a premature termination of psychotherapy. Method: a longitudinal study, with a clinical sample of N = 134 patients. PID-5 and OQ.45.2 were administered in the admission process and OQ.45.2 was administered in the third, eighth and last psychotherapy session. Logistic regression analyses were performed - with dropout as the outcome variable-, and Spearman's correlations to estimate the relationship between personal characteristics and the number of sessions in the group that abandoned the psychotherapeutic process. Results: it was evident that the discomfort at the beginning of the psychotherapeutic process was not related to dropout. The only personality trait related to dropout was Emotional Lability:  the lower the emotional Lability, the lower the probability of dropout (16% lower).   A higher socioeconomic level and educational level reduced the probability of dropping out by 42% and 16%, respectively. In addition, gender was another factor taken into account in the study: The statistics showed that men were 3 times more likely to abandon treatment than women.


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How to Cite

Santangelo, P. R., Conde, K., & Mattiello, M. E. (2022). Premature termination in psychotherapy and patient characteristics: an empirical study. Revista de Psicoterapia, 33(123), 191–203.