Transference and character adjustment in Sancho-Quijote relationship


  • Vicente M. Ortiz Oria Universidad de Salamanca.



Sancho Panza in psychology, Quijote in psychology, Quijote role, Sancho role, therapeutic relationship in literature, Spanish literature, therapeutic relationship, psychotherapy in literature, transference, countertransference


We defend the hypothesis that Sancho's contribution is decisive in the development of the progressive "common sense" and "sanity" that the knight acquires as throughout the novel. Sancho's philosophical wisdom and his capacity as a "psychic organizer" influences Don Quixote by rebalancing his distortion, to the point of being, with the eloquence of him, a persuasive architect of the adaptation that the knight develops. The transference and countertransference relationship that occurs in the relationship Quixote-Sancho, characterizes a "discursive symbiosis" that determines the behavior of the characters, without whose analysis the relationship cannot be configured. We will stop at the passages in the novel that reproduce some of these situations and vision changes that denote a different internal reality and narrative. Don Quixote "gets organized" and loses audacity as he adheres to Sancho's propositions, assuming them. Finally, we will end with a clarification of the distortion that leads him to "death", seeing Alonso Quijano without the possibility of being and/or continue being Don Quijote de la Mancha.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Oria, V. M. (2005). Transference and character adjustment in Sancho-Quijote relationship. Revista de Psicoterapia, 16(61), 121–141.