Space differentiation in experiential psychotherapy


  • Frans Depestele



experiential psychotherapy, therapeutic change, therapeutic spaces, focusing, language


Upon coming into therapy, the client first creates with the therapist a relationship space. In this space the reflection space develops. When the client is reflecting on a felt sense, they are in the focusing space. When the client explicates this felt sense, they work in the symbolization space. When new ideas pop in spontaneously, experiencing symbolizes itself; this happens in the self-symbolization space. Such a cycle or sequence, going to the focusing space and the symbolization space, is passed through countless times. On this micro-level a space is part of a change step. For a long period the client may work mainly in the relationship space. There they make many cycles of a change step, by which their therapy slowly moves up into the reflection space. On this macro-level a space is a phase. The essential role language plays in each moment and each dimension is outlined.


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How to Cite

Depestele, F. (2007). Space differentiation in experiential psychotherapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 18(69), 57–68.